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Sylvie Bkrt


“I discovered Brenda's Hatha Yoga Flow class at the YMCA. I love yoga and I am always curious to discover new styles and new instructors. Brenda is one of my favorite instructors. I can feel her passion/experience/knowledge for yoga and her classes are just amazing. A few words to describe the classes would be: focus, balance, peace, breathing, flexibility, physical workout. I find myself relaxing and working my body at the same time. Classes are invigorating and the music playlists that Brenda chooses are great!


Thank you Brenda! Namaste, Sylvie”







Savannah Falk


"Another amazing instructor! Brenda always has a way of keeping the momentum up through class, and encourage you to push through and bring your focus back to your breathing and practice when you feel like giving up on the last set!" 




Stephen Wells


"Every yoga class I have taken with Brenda has left me feeling at peace with myself and the world around me. She radiates positive energy and uses her training and experience to inspire students to push themselves during their practice. I highly recommend Brenda's classes and can guarantee you will walk out with a smile spread from cheek to cheek."


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