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"Yoga is about awakening...

creating a life that brings more

love & more beauty 

into the world."

                       -John Friend


Hatha Flow Yoga
Hatha classes concentrate on a gentle flow of traditional asana (postures), breathing, mindfulness, and listening to the body.  Students will flow through poses connected by sun salutaions and emphasis is placed on longer held poses, core strength, flexibility, balance & concentration.  All levels welcome.
Vinyasa Flow Yoga
This class is like a dynamic dance, is a practice where postures or asanas are connected through the breath for a transformative and balancing effect.  In this class you will build heat, endurance, flexibility, and strength.  The creative sequence found in this vinyasa flow is built around surya namaskar (sun salutaions).  Get ready to energize your mind and body and release tension and stress.
Power Yoga
Get ready for a powerful, energetic and playful class that is also vinyasa based.  Building strength, stamina and flexibility through awareness of your breath.  This class is open to beginners, intermediate and advanced students where you will be challenged no matter what level you are at.  This class will tone and rinse your body, clear your mind and leave you with a sense of accomplishment and empowerment.
Hot Yoga
Get ready for a detoxifying sweat where you will move through a set sequence building  your strength, balance and breath awareness through these static asana (poses) in a heated room.  This sequence will provide cardiovascular conditioning while improving flexibility, strength and restoring health to the body.  All levels welcome.   Be prepared to get sweaty and feel great doing it! 

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